Monday, August 08, 2011

Jonah Learns Finally....

Jonah has been nervous about the idea of learning to swim without a lifejacket since last year. Wyatt and Samuel learned to swim without a lifejacket last year when we came to Grand Haven and have become really comfortable in the water. They throw stuff into the water and dive down to the bottom and get it. They jump off the diving board and slide down the slide without worrying about how they land in the water. They are working on perfecting the ultimate cannonball splash and falling into the pool backwards. Meanwhile, Jonah has been happy tooling around the pool in his lifejacket while carefully remaining in is comfort zone.
We told him that he was going to learn to swim without is lifejacket this week and he was ready sort of.....

Today we spent an hour at the pool and Jonah never put his lifejacket on one time. He swam back and forth to me and the steps, jumped off the diving board and really enjoyed himself. Jonah just needs a little push to get the confidence to try something new, but once he does there is no stopping that boy!

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