I used to use our double side-by-side stroller ALL THE TIME! Lately I use the front back double stroller. This week I saw the side-by-side stroller in the garage and thought to myself "I wonder why I never use that anymore?". It is so light and compact and the boys look so cute sitting next to each other in it. So this morning when I left with Jonah and Samuel (Wyatt was at school) to go to my OB appointment, I packed up my side-by-side double stroller and left. I got called back to my appointment room, parked the stroller, and jumped up on the table. When the doctor came in she immediately started talking about how cute Jonah and Samuel were and how they looked so different and her twin girls were completely different looking too and how nice it was for my boys to have their own identity, etc. Meanwhile, the boys sat there listening with big sweet innocent smiles on their faces and I thought "yes, you are right, they are cute". Then, the doctor started talking to me about me and the pregnancy. That's when the boys decided that it was time to start some serious cage fighting. Jonah slapped Sammy across the face. then Sammy bit him, so Jonah started pulling his hair, and Sammy bit him some more, and they both started yelling "No" at each other, followed by more hitting, hair pulling, and biting, and the doctor and I stopped talking and just stared at them. I couldn't think of anything to say other than "Yeah, so they just turned two last week" and she said "Uh huh, I remember age two". That's when I remembered why I quit using the double side-by-side stroller.....THE FIGHTING!!!!!!

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