Two, Two-year-olds are a lot of work! Don't let anyone fool you! It was melt down city at our house all day today. It probably doesn't help that everyone is sick again. Fevers and colds this time, plus John and I were infected by the little germ factories, so we have been sick too! I forgot what it is like to be healthy and breathe out my nose!
In between wiping noses, John and I have been trying to figure out sleeping arrangements for baby #4 since he is due in 6 weeks or so. Everybody still sleeps in a crib right now. Of course Wyatt can climb out of his crib, so we converted his bed to a semi-toddler bed a while ago. Wyatt's bed is a beautiful Amish-made set and converts to a full bed too! The twins cribs are not convertable and we have always assumed that we would buy them a bunk set when they are in big beds. Yesterday we got a Pottery Barn Kids catalog in the mail and I noticed that they carry a lot of bunk beds for kids. Twin over twin, twin over full, twin perpendicular over twin, and twin perpendicular over full. They had some beautiful bedroom sets for bunks! We were getting excited! Then we started looking at the prices....the most inexpensive bunk bed set (without any other furniture included) was $1500!!!!!! After John stopped convulsing, he decided that he should start building the boys a bedroom set (you know, in his spare time) so that they have somewhere to sleep after they learn to crawl out of their cribs! It may take him a couple of years, but I won't mind after I am carted off to the loony bin. Actually maybe Jonah and Sammy will stay in their cribs if they realize that Daddy doesn't have their next beds built yet! I could say "you better get back in your crib otherwise you will have to sleep on the floor. Daddy hasn't finished your bed yet!" So, this is where we are at.....Wyatt is in a semi-toddler bed, the twins are in cribs (soon to be the floor), and the new baby will be sleeping on the couch, or maybe the recliner if he wants. Everything seems to be falling right into place!
Tomorrow I will post Jonah and Sam's official two year pictures!

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