This morning Wyatt's preschool teacher told me that she was concerned about something. I was dreading what I thought she might be concerned about....hitting, not listening, throwing, or maybe even something worse that I haven't even thought of yet. Nope, she said that Wyatt has been getting completely naked to go pee at school. He takes off his shoes, socks, pants, underwear and shirt to pee standing up. She wanted to know if that was how he peed at home. I said that I thought he must be trying something new because he doesn't do that at home. He does, however, do a lot of experimenting with positions for peeing and pooping though so I am not totally surprised. His teacher hasn't even seen a glimpse of the real Wyatt yet, so she thought that this unconventional display was totally out of character for him and was surprised. How I wish that I could be surprised by my three-year-old's antics....but I have been trained to expect the unexpected! Speaking of which, Jonah has become a biter! He took a big bite out of Sammy today for stealing his blanket. I can't say that i am surprised about that one either. I am just hoping that they reserve their biting for siblings only and not other unsuspecting children who happen to touch the wrong thing! Do you think that I could pay someone to pretend to be me when they are old enough to have parent-teacher conferences because I think that I would honestly rather not know!!!

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