We started our morning at 5:30 am courtesy of Jonah who took it upon himself to systematically turned on the lights in every room in the house until we were all awake. We could have had everybody fed, dressed, and dropped off at school by 7am if we needed to. Our kids are ready for a high school class schedule apparently!
We fed everybody a big breakfast and got everybody dressed. Then, I forced the boys to pose for some first-day-of-school pictures. "Mom, I can't smile anymore."
"Ok, there"
I dropped Wyatt off at his preschool and then brought Jonah and Sam into their preschool. The entire time that we walked into the building Sam hugged my leg and begged me to stay at school with him. I was really worried about how he was going to do after I left.
Then, the twins met their teacher and hung their bags on their hooks. Mrs. M took them into their classroom and showed them around. Then, Sam and Jonah turned around looked at me and said "Bye, Mom". I asked the teacher if we were all set and she said yes, so I took off and dashed out of the building as fast as I could go while carrying Shane!
There was no drama. No tears. No sadness about going to school for the first time. I was dumbfounded! I would have never guessed in a million years that my boys would be so comfortable going to school for the first time! They sure made it easy on their Mom compared to Wyatt when he started school.
When I got back to pick the boys up from school they were all smiles. Happy to see me and tell me all about their day! Then at dinner the boys told John that they pooped and peed at school (so much for the pre-school potty break). I was hearing that story for the first time and was a little concerned about the boys needing help, but they said that they did everything all by themselves. I can only imagine the poor teacher meeting my boys for the first time and then having them need to go poop at school. She probably doesn't realize that I made them take a forced potty break seconds before entering school! They go back for their second day next Friday. All in all we are thrilled with how well the day went. The boys behaved so well and we couldn't be more proud of our big guys!
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