After we finished the staging area I started going through some boxes that we had in our basement that had been packed since we moved into this house....about 4 years ago. I knew most of it was kitchen supplies, but I figured that if we hadn't used it in 4 years that we could live without whatever it was. Well, I came across my bread machine which obviously hadn't been used in years. I didn't even know if it worked any more so I dusted it off and brought it upstairs.
I made a loaf of beer bread that was amazing. I had to modify a recipe from the instruction booklet, but it worked out perfectly. We ate the entire loaf with dinner yesterday! So, last night I made another loaf. I made cinnamon bread to eat for breakfast.
We go through about a loaf of bread every 2-3 days at our house. Lately it has been about every 2 days because the boys have been eating toast for breakfast. They are OBSESSED with the blueberry jam that I made out of our Michigan blueberries and I usually have to cut them off at breakfast.
"Sam you're done"
"No, I not done Mom. I still hungry"
"You ate 4 pieces of toast"
"I still hungry, see my belly!"
"Fine one more piece"
"Thanks Mom"
It makes me feel good that the boys like the jam that I made for them and now they are eating it on toast that I made for them too! I am almost a regular Pioneer Woman! The real Pioneer Woman would have her own blueberry bushes though.....
In other news.....
The boys are selling frozen cookie dough for their school fundraiser. If anyone wants some let me know.
We are having a small birthday party for Wyatt next week at our house. It will be low key... pizza, cake, a bounce house, a treasure hunt, and cookie decorating. I am also going to have the little girl across the street come and do face painting for the kids with a kit that I bought at JoAnn Fabrics. If it rains we are screwed!
Wyatt went to the dentist this week and found out that his 6 year molars are almost in! He also has a loose front tooth on the bottom that is really wiggly! Maybe somebody forgot that he is only turning 5 years old....not 6!
I can't believe that I am almost the parent of a five-year-old!!!
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