Shane is doing a lot better today! His face was still swollen this morning, but it was fine by noon. The boys were really worried about him. Sam ran into Shane's room this morning so excited to see him and yelled "wahoo". Then at breakfast Sam asked me "Mom, is baby all better now? Can I play with him after breakfast?" (Sam has never called Shane by name. He calls him "Baby". Weird I know!)
Then after Shane finished eating his breakfast and got cleaned up Sam and him ran around chasing each other laughing like they had been apart for way too long! It was very sweet.
Everybody had school this morning and as I was dropping off Jonah and Sam they both gave Shane a kiss as they got out of the van before heading into school! Then Shane and I went and checked out some new cell phones. I am going to get a smart phone that can do email and web browsing. But is a lot of work trying to figure out what phone to get. John and I have spent a lot of time researching phones and reading phone reviews for the past few weeks. So I visited the Verizon store and Best Buy today and I finally decided what phone I want.
Then I made the mistake of telling Wyatt that I was going to get a new phone. He thinks that I am giving him my old one as a birthday present. He can not stop talking about the new phone. "Mom, how big is it going to be?" "How many buttons are going to be on it?" "Is Daddy getting a new phone too?" I think that he is almost more excited about my new phone that I am!
When I went to pick up Jonah and Sam from school their teacher met me outside the classroom. She said that she had something to tell me. And she was talking in a weird hushed voice. I was nervous. What happened I wondered?
Then she said "I just wanted to tell you that the boys made Humpty Dumpty out of hard boiled eggs and they are sitting holding them very carefully. So I wanted to make sure that they didn't run over to you in the hall and drop their eggs. We can walk in and get them together."
Then she said "Your boys are absolutely precious".
Precious? Not usually a word that I use to describe Jonah and Sam. I usually say that they are busy little guys or full of energy or all boy.
So I seriously almost started laughing after their teacher said that. Boy they sure are putting on a good act for their teachers! I have to give them credit for figuring out how to get their teachers to enjoy them so much! I hear nothing but GLOWING reports about them from school!
Then I told the teacher "Thank you, we think that they are really special too!".
Then I think about all of the little things that they do every day without any effort. And they really are very nice boys. They are compassionate. They are concerned about each other when they are sick. They miss each other when they are apart. They are not happy if one of their brothers is upset. They share most anything to be fair.
I am proud of my little guys and how they are growing up.
Maybe it takes someone else to point out the obvious, but I guess "precious" might be the perfect word to describe my boys after all!
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