Each station had an activity that began with that letter. M had a magic show. F had face painting (or arm painting). B had balloon animals. They had free apples, oranges, and water for everyone and even a real fire truck and ambulance for the kids to climb. Let's just say that we left with some tired kids! Score!

This weekend we are working on a new project. The "staging area" project.

Now that we have 3 kids in 2 different schools there is a lot more planning that goes into getting everybody ready and out the door on time each morning. Plus there are crap-loads of papers and art projects that come home each afternoon. There are backpacks and bags. Then there are shoes to find (or not). And soon coats to find. And hats. And boots. And mittens. We have a folder that goes to and from speech therapy each week. We have another folder that goes to and from OT each week. Mom has exercise gear.
Basically there is a TON of STUFF to keep track of all the time. So we are creating a staging area in the garage. John is building 4 cubbies, a shelf, a long bench, and 2 rows of hooks. I drew up some blueprints last night (it was even 2D!) and John did some measurements and we have a plan. It is going to be a lot of work to build, but it will help keep us organized (I hope!!!!)
As I was explaining the design to one of my friends she told me that it gets even worse in 1st grade. Her daughter just started first grade and she said that the amount of papers to keep track of for a FIRST GRADER is staggering! She is seriously considering making one entire wall in their kitchen into a bulletin board.
Do you like the pink flowers here with the glittery center? It goes with the va-jay-jay!
So she said to plan our "staging area" carefully so that we can "grow" with it! Good advice. Back to the drawing board I guess......
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