This morning was Wyatt's first day of preschool alone. Yesterday was the "Mom and me" day so I stayed with him all day in his classroom to get familiar with the teacher, classroom, and daily routine.
Wyatt went to preschool last year so it shouldn't be hard for him to understand the expectations. But he was still super clingy yesterday even when I went with him to school. He wanted to hold my hand the whole time or touch me or sit on my lap. He kept asking me if I was going to stay the whole time.
It really bothers me that he doesn't seem to be comfortable when he has to stay somewhere alone. It's not like he doesn't do this often! We do this all of the time! If I didn't know me and I was his new teacher I would think "this lady must never take her kid out of the house and expose him to the outside world. Dude, you are almost four year old. Suck it up already...she's coming back in 2 hours!". She has no idea how hard I try and expose my kids to new experiences! It drives my crazy.
Last night I got everything ready for this morning so that everything would run smoothly in getting Wyatt out the door and to preschool on time. I was hoping to minimize the morning drama. I had the breakfasts set out, the clothes picked out, and the tuition check set out. Then the kids woke up.
The kids were still eating breakfast when John left for work. He barely made it out of the subdivision when Sammy came running up to me crying. Then he started puking all over the kitchen! When you eat a lot of blueberries for breakfast and then throw up, it looks a lot like blood coming out and permanently stains everything. Before I even cleaned him up, I tried calling John to come back home, but he had his phone on silent. As soon as I got Sam cleaned up, and most of his clothes thrown in the garbage, he threw up again. I tried calling John again, but no luck. Then Sam started slipping in the puke and falling down and crying even more so I finally got a towel and made him sit on that while I cleaned up the second mess.
While I was busy cleaning the kitchen floor, Sam tried to pee on the little potty but missed the potty and peed all over the floor in the family room. Meanwhile I was still trying to call John to see if he could drive Wyatt to preschool since I didn't want to load Sam into the van when he was sick. Then I saw one of my neighbors at the bus stop with her kids and ran out to ask her if she would take Wyatt to school when she took her kid but she said that she didn't want to expose herself to Wyatt so she wouldn't drive him for me! Nice huh? I said "He's not the one who is sick" but she said "still I don't want to catch anything"! Seriously! I just turned and walked back in the house. Note to self....have Sam lick her door handles tonight!
Finally John got to work and I told him the great news so he got back in the car and came home to drive Wyatt to preschool. On the way to preschool John said that he told Wyatt the he was a big boy and how we would come back and get him after school was over and that he didn't need to get upset and cry today, but it didn't work. Wyatt told John "Daddy, I am going to cry when I get to school." And he did. According to his teacher, though, he stopped crying shortly after John left.
Sam perked up after he threw up 2 times, peed on the floor, and then got a bath. He went on to eat 3 pop tarts and some pretzels for breakfast and never got sick again. It was weird. The only thing that I can think of is that he may have been sick from the raw onion that he fished out of the garbage last night and ate before we caught him. Maybe that upset his stomach. Who knows?
What I do know is that the only person that had an accident in their undies today was Wyatt. He pooped all over himself and then threw his undies out the window and told me not to tall Daddy that he had an accident. That one was kind of funny....
I can not adequately explain how many times I have washed my hands, the floor, and the potty in this house today! I am exhausted. I am going to bed. BUT I am not making any plans for tomorrow morning....we are going to just wing it and see what happens!
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