We went to playgroup this morning at my friend Erin's house. The kids were obsessed with a toy they had where a car track moves automatically in the shape of a figure eight. The boys loved putting cars and money on the track and watching it spin around and around.
They played with the car track for most of the 2 house that we were at Erin's house. Finally when it was time to go Erin told Wyatt that her boys didn't use the track very often so he could take it home and borrow it. The twins repeatedly tried to "borrow" some toys that they secretly picked out, but I kept catching them as they tried leaving the house. It was like I was playing security guard busting all of these kids for shoplifting!
The boys are completely obsessed (think Rain Man level obsession) with ziplock bags lately. They pack everything up into ziplock bags and carry them around the house for hours on end EVERY SINGLE DAY. They went through and entire box of pint sized ziplock freezer bags yesterday! They pack up cars, trains, trucks and other random small items that will fit into their bags and put them everywhere. Everybody freaks out when non-bag owners touch somebody else's bag too! The fighting is epic.
So when the boys sat and played with their "borrowed" toy from Erin's house today for hours together without fighting I was almost in tears. It was like a mini miracle had taken place in our family room. My prayers have finally been answered!
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