We have had an interesting week so far. Our garage refrigerator broke yesterday morning, but it was working again yesterday night?!?!? I am not sure if the kids played with the switch and set it to warm or off or something, but now we're back in business. It's a good thing too because there were 4 gallons of milk in that fridge!
Today I heard Jonah and Sam laughing really hard in the bathroom. When I went in they were laying a towel on top of the bathroom rug. I kicked them out of the bathroom and didn't think much about it. Then later I went in the bathroom and it smelled like a pee bomb went off in there. I lifted up the rug and it was literally dripping with pee! Nice! I have no idea what went on in there! I'm not sure that I even WANT to know! I was almost going to write about how they are fully potty trained yesterday too!
One of the things on my to do list for the week was to call the local community orchestra and find out how to join or what the application process involves. I am not sure what playing level they are or even if they are paid positions or volunteers. Basically I don't know if I would be first or last chair. I called today and said that I was interested in playing viola in the orchestra and what did I need to do. The lady on the phone told me that I need to email my resume to the orchestra manager (I'm thinking last chair now). I seriously said "you mean my musical resume?". She said "yes including all of your musical experience up until now. Then you can set up an audition". I wanted to ask her if I can lie on my musical resume, but I thought better of it. I told her that I would send my resume right off to her as soon as I could. What I mean to say was "I will send it off as soon as I come up with some fake musical groups that you could never verify my involvement in and figure out how to write a musical resume". I also have to locate my viola somewhere in the house. I haven't seen it since we moved. I am pretty sure that I remember how to tune it, but that may be challenging. Then I have to see if I remember how to read tenor clef and polish up an audition piece for my upcoming audition. I'll do that tomorrow in my spare time!
Today we met Bethany and Madison at Costco for lunch. They brought cupcakes and a present for Wyatt's birthday! It was a cute little celebration. My favorite part was when Jonah dropped his hot dog on the floor and picked it up and ate it before I could get to him. So I'm thinking that next week we will be pretty busy surviving the swine flu or maybe hepatitis A who knows?!?! Life with kids is so exciting you never know what disgusting thing that they are going to do next!

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