Today was one of those days full of cute melt-your-heart moments with my boys. I put some new pictures in the frames that we keep in the kitchen to include Shane and it was one of the first things that everybody noticed this morning. Sam asked "why is baby not so happy Mom?" because Shane wasn't smiling in the picture. Jonah took the frame off the table and laid down on the floor to see it better and then showed it to his baby. The fact that he is carrying a doll around at all is a miracle in itself. He has never had an interest in caring for a real baby, let alone a pretend one, so this is a big step for him. Also, he named his baby "Baby Shane"! Thank God he knows Shane's name. Usually he calls him baby (with a lower case B).
Then tonight John and I discovered Wyatt asleep outside Jonah and Sam's bedroom door. He sure likes those guys. Maybe some day they can all share a bedroom. I saw a triple loft bed online that looked pretty neat! They would have a lot of fun in a bed like that, but I'm not so sure that the walls would survive!
In other news, I had a phone conference with Wyatt's preschool teacher and director today. I was concerned that Wyatt has been telling me that he doesn't like his teacher and doesn't ever want to talk to us about school. We came up with a game plan together and will re-evaluate again in a couple of weeks. I really hated to be "THAT" parent that expects special treatment for their kid, but we want Wyatt to enjoy school and I am willing to be "bad cop" in order to make sure that we are getting what we are paying for.

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