This month is national punctuation month. Apparently important people are concerned about the incorrect usage of periods and commas since the dawn of text messaging. The article that I read said that young adults can't even put together a formal cover letter for a resume without major punctuation error's, LOL!!!
Then John read an article this weekend that said that fewer and fewer schools are teaching cursive writing anymore. Hardly any young people write in cursive and even fewer have trouble reading it! Is cursive not an app for the i phone?
Even more troubling, I read an article a few weeks ago about how kids are not being taught how to tell time on a clock with a face anymore. They are just learning how to tell time from a digital clock like on a cell phone. Most people don't wear watches any more they just carry a cell phone. That's just weird! Even when I look at the time on my cell phone I picture the time on a standard clock face before the time actually registers in my mind.
Are my kids doomed to be terrible writers and readers? And if I spend the time to teach them about punctuation, cursive, and telling time will anybody be able to tell them if their answers are right when they go to school? Maybe I should start teaching myself text lingo just in case. Because seriously, things are getting AB AFAICS FTLOG IHA!!!! (for a complete translation see

1 comment:
My Dearest Stephanie,
You sound like an 'old fogey'! Of course your children will be great readers and writers. The model that you and John provide are all that they need. The future of dial-faced clocks seems pretty grim anyway. Dials are for gauges and scientific things. No one says 'a quarter to the hour', or 'half-past'. They will also be able to write well because his parents do. Don't worry . . .be happy. Love, Mom
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